Braces, Supports, Tens Machine, Wheel Chairs & more
Edmonton Orthopedic Products Experts

We carry all types of Supports, Braces, Tens Machines, Wheel Chairs & Scooters
Our Mission
Rampart Control is committed to offering and distributing quality medical supplies to our loyal customers in our markets. Servicing our customers’ while exceeding their expectations, but still differentiating ourselves from our competitors and still providing the best customer service possible is and will forever be our mission.
Spruce Grove, T7X 0B9
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” Our great staff here strives to provide exceptional Customer Service with Premium products to our customers “
Wyatt Davis,
Rampart Control Edmonton
Rampart Control is proud to be recognized as the number one provider of orthopedic products and support bracing in Edmonton, Alberta. We understand, through years of experience in this market, how busy you are as a doctor caring for a patient with a shoulder injury, knee injury, or wrist injury. You want to offer the best care you can to your patients. That why at Rampart Control we aim to offer the best customer service, quality, and most advanced products.
Why should you choose us?
We strive to offer high-quality products and services at affordable prices. When dealing with Orthopedic products and medical supplies, quality is a key factor. With Rampart Control, you are in good hands. We want to be the first and only choice for our clients, a one-stop shop for all your Orthopedic and Medical supplies, and most importantly the place of choice when it comes to helping people in need. If any of that speaks to you, look no further; Rampart Control is your answer.
Our team responds every time with a big warm smile.

We have certified and trained Orthopedic Experts.
Respect & Compassion
Our Services
Whether you experience pain in your shoulders, knees, elbows, or back, Rampart Control offers a variety of braces and supports which are designed to restore mobility and enhance daily lives.
Braces and Supports
Our line of braces and supports are proven to be crafted for the support existing and pre-existing conditions in hopes prevent further injuries. We offer a broad selection of Orthopedic Braces and Supports such as but not limited to: Backs, Knees, Wrist, Elbows, and much more!
Tens Machine
Used for managing pain at home, patients receive a small, portable, battery-operated device which uses electrical muscle stimulation that focuses only on the sensory nerve endings that control pain caused by spasms and injury.
Wheelchairs & scooters
Rampart Control provides a broad selection of wheelchairs and scooters locally. Whether you are looking for a 3-Wheel Scooter, 4-Wheel Scooter, Folding Wheelchair, or a Heavy-Duty Scooter, we have a range of options to fit almost any budget.